RC said:
zzboba said:
cayenne? i never liked it. i know a lot of people who pronounce it "cheyenne", btw.

Maybe Porsche is more clever than we are because little by little I get my doubts that we enthusiasts here on the internet are still the target audience for Porsche products. Even worse, I get the feeling that a lot of people at Porsche actually don't like it at all that there are internet forums they can't control. Last time I "officially" spoke to them, I didn't have the feeling to be very welcomed.
Maybe they just don't understand how such forums can create a very strong bond to a certain brand/product, even if we criticize a lot sometimes.

I think you are totally correct. I'm beginning to think Porsche only wants rah-rah boys that won't have anything bad to say about anything they do. They prefer the quiet, "simply hand over the money" type of buyer compared to the true enthusiast with a passion for the company and their cars that goes way back before the 996/Boxster were even thought of.