
There are critical times when AP requires you to take control and if you can’t you may die. I have used the system frequently enough to know it is a really bad idea to nap. That said, when in use AP results in you being less tired and hence more attentive for long drives.  It is much less work to be paying attention on standby than to keep a car in a lane of traffic for hours.  Like any tool you have know how to use it.  I would not want to lose that tool - AP - because some people don’t know how to use it. 
Rarely does reality reward foolish behavior. 

Err, that's completely opposite to the real world.

More people sleeping bending the wheel on autopilot than those that's aren't using autopilot Smiley

When a car is more engaging, perhaps people gets tired more easily, so they know to stop and rest. That's safer than systems that gives people a false sense of security and falls asleep while driving, which is much more dangerous.



Take it from an old man who routinely driver 20 hr stretches. I know you love your narrative and all but AP keep you from getting drowsy. It is less work to pay attention than to drive.  Period.  It has nothing to do with some anecdotal story about a Tesla driver napping.   But by all means let’s start beating yet another dead horse.