AJK said:
Thanks guys. I see that the message is "stop being a wus" and just drive the thing.

But the question I was asking was how often does vandalism occur these days? I have been getting the impression that there is a growing resentment with respect to these high end cars and some people feel the need to damage them. Has anyone experienced this problem? I am not trying to suggest that there is a problem, I'm just asking for data. If the response is, "no, it's not an issue with me or anyone I know", then great, I'll stop worrying.

People are generally mean in the Washington, DC metro area (road rage with guns...I know someone, who had the back window shot out during a morning commute), but no one has ever damaged my car. Of course, I'm not afraid to walk from the far end of the parking lot; walking is good for you. To live in fear is not to live at all, right?