Carlos. Buddy. Did I mention my good neighbor is also named Carlos. He is a Chevy dealer and always has a new. Corvette ready for me to test drive. 
You can pretend that a two year old+ article which cherry picks statistics is an indication of me being a fanatic if I question your conclusion. That is fine. What exactly do I need to agree to so that you feel like you are correct in your assessment that Tesla is a horrible car?  I’m not anyone’s enemy or trying to convince you to buy one. I have said that. I’m just mildly amused by and interested in why you feel the need to question my intelligence or perception of reality.   It is just a car. Why so defensive?  Are you immune to advertising but I am somehow a fool because you know what I believe and what I don’t?  It is not like I am alone liking my car or like there are not many good and valid reason to do so. Many more in my opinion than any other car on balance.  I’m not an exception to the rule. See stock price.
Note Tesla does not advertise - yet you think I’m swayed by their marketing. Interesting. Their marketing is me driving their car each day. Hmmmm. Is my car lying to me as I’m driving it?  Am I actually not moving and still in my garage?  Where did those groceries come from?  

Are all of the other car commercials honest?  Are the prices they advertise real?  Ever meet a car salesman?  They are a fun bunch  Never seen one at a Tesla dealer.  If put up with a lot of crap from other car makers and dealers none of which I have encountered at Tesla.  What is funny is how much pain the Tesla haters will endure in order to stick to their narrative and legacy automakers who are so happy to have them as customers.  A marriage made in heaven   

  I get you have free time on your hand. That is nice. I appreciate your efforts to reprogram me.  I’m pretty certain everyone reading this thread can come to their own conclusions as to how blinded by Tesla we all are in one direction or the other.  

Go Chiefs - BYOB. Bring your old Brady.