Carlos from Spain:
Carlos from Spain:

I'm sure they have an OTA that will be able to do that indecision

How does one explain the current accident stats?  They are not based on who’s fault it is. The number of miles per injury accident is 4x - 10x as low.  The car actually avoids accidents such as people running red lights and not allowing the driver to move into that car.   There is no need to accuse me of wearing Tesla googles. It gets old. Accept the fact that I prefer to discuss objective issues not slander again and again. 

You keep repeating Tesla's own marketing stats, but only tesla fans swallow that up, they have been shown before to be as reliable as a deadline promise from Musk

A study published in 2018 using data prior to that. The model3 has not even been produced and the number of Tesla’s was tiny. They painfully decided to settle on deaths of drivers which they admit is a rare binary event. They struggled with one or two unclassified deaths in California to get the number they needed because their tangent into solar city was hilarious. (Are we confused about solar as well?)

If it makes you happy that think we can take a tiny sample of Tesla’s compare it to another sample of cars - just luxury cars - in order to proved Tesla’s are death traps then that is awesome. Of course Elon lies about everything. This is why his customers who buys his products all dislike him so much.  
If you want to disprove a claim you should focus on the actual claim and not something similar but different. 
Why not look up current crash test data and see how Tesla’s are rated?  Or does that not fit what you think?  How about looking to see if Tesla’s claims of far fewer injury accidents per mile holds up?  This is what he claimed, is it not fair to see if his claim is correct or is it better to look at old unrelated data to make a point?  The amount of explanation to make their narrative work in that article does not convince me but I’m certain Tesla haters eat it up. 

Again - I don’t give a flying you know what if you buy one or not. Tesla does not care either because they can’t build them fast enough. My only interest is in pointing out how ridiculous some of these articles and comments are. 
Btw unlike some leaders and CEOs Elon has not problem taking corrective action. His solar roof is much improved, his power walls are a big hit - can’t make them fast enough and his car company is doing okay.  

Btw - now that Tesla has just about 20 times as many car and miles as in 2018 how are those same fatality rates?  Hmmm. I dare you to look it up or provide any current stat on injury accidents. 
Lastly - why would you ever compare a Kia class EV to such well built luxury cars?  Lol.