RC said:
ezzie said:
As to cayman in english, it sounds rather close to gay man.

I'm not sure Porsche's marketing department EVER thought of that, you're right, now that you say it. It may not be important to some people, it may not be a problem with gays but it definetely could be a serious problem with customers if people start to call the Cayman "gay man". This could seriously hurt sales figures, Porsche has to be aware of that. I don't remember exactly but I think it was Mitsubishi who named the Pajero differently in a certain country (Spain?) because the name meant something bad in their language (Spanish?). Gosh, I wish I could remember...

Yes, I also don't like the name of "Cayman"for the new little beast ( the boxster coupé ). Probably those customers that don't like porsche (ferrarist etc), they'll name it "gay man car.. ...and ME personally don't like this a.k.a for a porsche and even less if I drive one in the future!!!..

What RC meant by saying the Mitsubishi "Pajero". He's totally correct!. When this car was launched in Spain, me and my friends just laughed, its absolutely incredible how Mitsubishi could name that 4x4 "Pajero", which in spanish this word means "wanker"...straight and direct ..incredible!!!