
Dusk and later, before dawn and night is their hunting time.  Last week I misjudged turning time and came down a dark canyon in the dusk and murk.  Everything looks different which makes seeing the track difficult and you risk getting lost - Sun Ra becomes critical as lead bitch, to keep you on the track.

As dusk fell, I put the labs in patrol formation:  Sun Ra on point [12 o'clock], Sir Cosmic Messenger on my 6 o'clock, and Sueño and Sabre held in verbally, to surround me with million power noses and protect them more than roaming free  They provide a safety buffer for me as the cat gets to them first, truth be said.  I removed my Right glove, so I can shoot more quickly.  I carry a Glock 20 [10mm] in a chest rig with 220 grain hard cast bullets. 

It could be unpleasant enough to lose a dog then kill the cat, or even worse if your 6 dog fails to get bitten on the neck and the cat gets you instead:)

Speaking with our vet yesterday who as out 5 days on Search and Rescue looking for that lady that disappeared - we both think she was coming down in the dark, possibly lost the track and the Lion of that canyon got her. She had no dogs and likely no gun - totally exposed.  The search was called off after 2 weeks, some day her skeleton will be found. The cat drags its prey off to eat and hide leftovers, making it hard to find.