Carlos from Spain:


interesting. Under 2 seconds is of course not possible. 


Nothing can get into your brain? Explained to you many times already, if there is suitable tires available, there is at least 10 if not 20 cars CURRENTLY on the road that can break 2 seconds 0-60. Literally cars are limited by tire traction, not power.

Cars have more power than traction, waiting for the traction part to catch up. Elementary physics.

The Roadster will have booster rockets like Knight Rider

That was not even a tesla story. I don’t know what to say.  It was our good buddy Nico and a Swiss EV. 

As a side note - with computer controlled electric motors traction is much less of an issue than with an ICE. Picture a dog chasing a cat on a tile floor.  It is not just about the instant torque but the ability to provide the maximum amount of power every split second of the acceleration run.  While you can even further optimize tires for this for even larger gains the you simply can’t control the ICE engines power output to such an instant degree.  You never take this into account even though you have the Taycan which certainly demonstrates this to you.  I recall you like the traction from the snow tires. Guess why. 

I know it’s not a Tesla story, and what is discussed isn’t Tesla specific either. You are somehow got hooked by some misinformation. 
Modern traction control is modulated by the braking system, cutting engine power is the last resort, so the power plant of choice, be it a electric motor or an engine have no bearing, they are simply the torque producing device. 

as it stands, it’s already all electronically controlled. Gas or electric powered.

The brake system is the last ‘gate’ or ‘nozzle’’ before torque reaches the tire and then the road. And the ‘tank’ behind that nozzle does not need microsecond control, pointless so to speak, a false myth propaganda by EV lovers.

Don’t forget, I have the fastest 0-60 car currently available, the 918, and I have done many many LC starts on it, I know and can feel what’s lacking for sub 2 seconds runs.






I have no idea why you think posting a video means I was mislead by it but okay. I’m simple to manipulate - yet I stand my ground here. Hmmm
You just illustrated all the problems of ICE traction management. For starters you don’t have an engine with all the torque available to control from 0 rpm. After that, once power is greater than traction, you change spark, fuel and even aply brakes ala McLaren. I get all that. I see why you defend milliseconds not being required. They can’t make a difference.  It is highly inefficient and while you can computer control all this it is like an automated buggy whip flogging a horse by comparison to how a computer modulates power from an electric motor. 
Tell me I’m wrong. 
Hilariously you affirm your bias which is your investment in a 2sec car which interestingly enough uses an electric motor to torque fill.  You don’t see the irony that the electric motor in the 918 IS all about the launch to 60 or whatever. 
Back to why you think the snow tires have such good traction in your Taycan.  You just can’t beat computers and electric motors.  I will let interested readers of this judge who is on the right track.  

On a side note. I don’t think I’m old but I may be too old for a 2 second launch. There have been drives in the Tesla where after a couple quick starts I don’t feel so good. Like physically ill.  While fun I do take doing it too often into consideration. Especially for passengers. Frankly there should be one of those warnings for pregnant woman etc.