
Leawood or anyone, PLEASE don’t view the following questions as an opinion or a comment on EV’s versus ICE cars. I honestly want to know.  

1. My wife and I just spent a delightful week in Vermont.  She has been seriously considering a Model 3, but raised questions about charging stations and times. She commented that she would not want to have to worry about where to get her car charged or having to wait and waste time on vacation. I told her about the app which identifies nearby charging stations, but I can tell she wasn’t particularly convinced. Any advice?

Charging is a worry for about the first five minutes of ownership.  The car itself knows where charging stations are but you can also get apps which claim to do a better job.  Mostly you will charge at home and never waste time again going to the gas station.  For long trips at high speed count on about three hours of driving for every 20 minutes of charging at superchargers.  I highly recommend you drive it to see if it for you.  It will do many unexpected things you will never want to do without again once you realize them. 

2. My son and I have been spending the last three weekends at the track. Most of the cars of course were ICE cars, but there were one or two Model 3 competitions. One owner commented that his car decreases significantly after about 15 minutes of fast driving on the track. Also the Model 3s seemed to be constantly plugged into the electrical stations at the track. I for one would like to see Tesla move more into the racing scene, but I wonder if you have any comments about that, or about the charging issues under fast track driving?

I have not tracked the car so I can’t say I have seen any performance degradation during my driving.  Only when the battery is very low - 20% or less.  The model3 has much better thermal management than the S and does not require you to go into any special mode for all the acceleration power.  It is on tap all the time.  That said I don’t think this is a track car to be used all afternoon.  It is most fun just darting around in traffic like a slot car.  I just don’t see much point in tracking it.  For a few laps it would be very competitive but I would think it is not that type of car.  Who knows  I could be wrong.  For the street it is perfect - other cars are your bitch at any light. 
