
Mike, government can be good especially when it involves automobile regulation. There are a number of regulations that have saved hundreds of thousand of lives. You need to trust government more. 

You need to accept that positive change comes from the free market not from government regulations. Who is to say safety would not be improved upon more frequently with less regulations?  Why is it not better to have people drive EVs because they are fun, save,  lean and efficient rather than due to government regulations?  You are almost arguing that these regulations don’t make sense but we need to trust big government. In this case I actually think that the California mandate will have zero impact by then. It’s all good. 

Tell me why I want a 10 cent on the dollar outfit helping me in any way?  No thanks. The smaller the size of government the larger my freedoms. I’m okay with that. I kinda trust me more than government. Does that help?

The free market alone would not give EV a single chance. All EV sales today are driven by subsidies. Direct subsidies to buyers. And subsidies to Tesla for selling "emission rights". 

Great post in terms of its ability to illustrate how far off one can be.  I bet you could amuse the VW executives with it and maybe they would get one decent nights sleep out of it. 
I think the stock market is pretty much at odds with every one of these points. Tesla is now sold without any subsidies and zero advertising. They can’t make them fast enough to advertise.  I am a hardcore 911 driver.  For my entire life!  I have very quickly discovered that it is faster, more fun, safer, cheaper buy a ton and - since I love to drive - is opening up new driving adventures for me each day. I now go out and drive places I would never have. Including several runs to the Colorado mountains 600 miles away for weekends.   Charging for me is a total non issue and much simpler than filling up with gas. Every aspect is so much better than an ICE car I would never consider another one. Period.  I do not consider myself a fringe car owner. The electric charging capability which I enjoy at home is only being used by a tiny fraction of those who can. There are far more of us than there are EVs to buy right now.  Bottom line is there is nothing missing from the EV experience and very quickly you realize all the things the ICE cars do not have and can never do.  This is not even close. ICE has lost. I don’t blame you for loving your cars and I encourage it by all means but if you want to look at this financially you may want to invest accordingly. 
I do get that some less price competitive EV still will not sell without incentives but that is due to other EV choices not due to other ICE choices.  Porsche and Audi will need to focus a bit on price once there is more competition . The Model S was just lowered to $72 k here in the US. 
Hey, I like my Turbo to but RC is right. EVs will eat ICE cars for breakfast.  End of story. There will still be those of us who have and try to keep driving the ICE cars. Not certain we will be as accepted as horse owners are today. They did not get blamed for global warming back then.