
So I looked at Waymo tech. They are geo-fenced so never mind. They rely on maps a d being 10cm on target via maps. Their Lidar is used to avoid objects but there is no ballistic assessment of all objects around it much less an attempt to identify them. They use AI to read the maps. All the miles they have driven have cost them a driver to go along and pay attention. So  - actual miles the car has driven unattended is zero (level 5). 
I prefer a car which can drive on brand new terrain without a map at all. Tesla has collected  Illinois of miles of data to train their AI.    And they did not have to pay a drive anything to collect the data. 
Did I mention the Waymo car costs $400 k and there is nothing about an enthusiast would want from a driving perspective. No looks, no speed. Giant Lidar on the roof. 

Leawood, with all due respect, your overt TesIa bias is clouding your ability to rationally conduct due diligence...  C7BEAB03-A272-4B0C-AF73-D01AEAA5AA36.gif


...Waymo has developed “zero intervention” driving technology (check out the Waymo steering wheel label) while TesIa’s development of AI has reached a “dead end” — or “local maximum” if your prefer EIon’s nomenclature... Smiley






...take a deep breath and try expanding your horizons beyond EIon to understand alternative technologies that may be both superior and safer than your clearly beloved (but literally myopic) TesIa... what are those warning messages telling you? Smiley