
You guys crack me up more than my model3 suspension. I must be sooo stupid and brainwashed and I can’t read. Do I need to sell my car or should I roll it off a cliff to protect others from it?  How many cars failed like this and killed or even injured people?  Are we concerned that they may kill someone?  Numbers?  Computer shuddering from the download. Don’t buy one then. And for gods sake get a new computer.

maybe you should assume Tesla can’t build cars and will cease production due to this. I would short the stock.  There is no need to send me repeated warnings or ridicule me for pointing out that you are a little overboard when it comes to any story about a Tesla fault. I’m certain all the other car manufacturers are delighted by this story and have written off Tesla as any type of competition.  I mean they are literally murdering people with their complete lack of understanding of how to make a wheel roll.  
Cheers guys. I suggest you don’t buy a Model S or X. The new models will be even better. 

Despite this failure a Tesla is still far less likely to be in an injury accident. Imagine the cars which have had this corrected?  I challenge you to post the actual injury accident rates of Tesla’s vs all other automakers. Crickets. 


Why is it absurd to think Tesla would cut corners in their manufacturing? Elon is no saint, and Tesla haven't been able to control lather cost to actually make a profit selling cars, the only car manufacturer in the world failed to do so.

You have never heard of construction companies cutting corners by using less steel or lower quality material? This happens all the time. 

There isn't just 'one' control arm failure in a Tesla, there are many. It's a trend. Can you not accept the Tesla used lowered quality material for their control arms? Or how about they have a bad batch from suppliers? 

With any other car makers, when you have more than one lower control arm failed like that, a full on investigation would have started, and like a recall to replace them. This does not make a car maker look unsafe, it actually make them 'safer', they are pro-active in replacing components for safety. 

Elon wants to put up the fake facade that Tesla cars are 'safer', hence why he refused to do recall campaigns, altways tricking deals with NHTSA to make their cars looks better and including NDAs in their settlements with customers. 

Honda still have the airbag trouble, does that make Honda 'unsafe'? No. They are actively replacing the faulty airbags as we speak still. Toyota had their accelerator trouble before, does the make them 'unsafe'? No again, ask most people and they will safe Toyotas are one of the safest cars around. 

This is Rennteam, not some Tesla fanboy site where every one circle jerk each other and praise Elon mindlessly. Members here actually have intelligence and can think for themselves, they have critical thinking skills and won't blindly believe whatever is said. 

We know you like your Model 3, the car fits your lifestyle perfectly, we are very happy for you for that. But it's not a be all end all car and it's not a faultless car. Pointing out the obvious isn't out of bounds here. 

People here might think I am a quirky dude who hunts for a 968, of all Porsche produced. I am not going to convince everyone that it is the greatest car and best car ever. It's just one of my quirky traits, Others might think hunting for a rare 911 is better but at this moment all I can think of is a 968, and a 928. I also won't mind people calling me dumb after buying a 20k 968 then might even dump another 40k-60k restoring it, knowing those money will never be recovered. It's what makes me happy and why I am doing it even when it do not make any financial sense. 
