I simply don’t understand you at all. You know some automakers who sell insurance for this reason so you think this is why Tesla does it?  You could not be more wrong. Lol. What part of call your agent and ask did you not get?  I told you my rates for progressive. They are dirt cheap compared to ICE or other cars because their injury accident rate is 10x less than other cars. People are still more expensive to fix than people. And a car needs to have an accident for the repair cost to matter. Their all aluminum body is also expensive to fix, like a battery - but ever rear end a 911 where the motor is?  So no, insurance for a Tesla is not expensive.  I repeat - Elon is a disruptive force. He noticed how California was taking advantage with high insurance rates so he stepped in knowing he could monitor the cars remotely and reward good driving and low miles with much better rates.  Tesla insurance is currently only in California. Get off this notion they are expensive to insure. Call your agent.  Drop this sillyness. I pay $450 per year!! That is a bit more than $1 per day.  Same as for my wife’s Honda CRV. A car half a quick and 1/3 the value.   Explain to me again how expensive insurance is on a Tesla.  It mostly depends of where you live not what car you drive.  Whoopsy is always welcome to insure his car here in Kansas. Free garage rental and weekly car drive (to warm it up now and then) included.