Taycan with big battery starts at 2%, Model 3 starts at 7% and e-Tron starts at 4% SoC.

Guess which one gets to 90% SoC first?

Tyacan and Model 3 gets to 90% just about the same time. But the Taycan's 800V system pack in 84kW in the same time as the 400V Model 3 packed in 61kW. Just counting raw power the 800V Taycan system supply over 1/3 more power into the car at the same time. 

With a more 'efficient' drivetrain and smaller battery, just imagine how much better and useful a 800V Model 3 can be. Literally cutting the current charging time by a 1/3 if not a 1/4. 

Another step towards how Elon sees it, his Model 3 becomes the 'common' EV car, like a Corolla or a Civic. Efficient and convenient transportation device. 


