CGX car nut:

You do realize that pricing is different in the States.  An Audi S4 with virtually every available option has a Monroney of $65,000.  Once you factor in invoice pricing, clawback, and manufacture incentives the out-the-door price is about $59-60,000 which puts the pricing for the Audi more favorable than the Tesla Model 3 Performance. However, we can be assured that when YOU acquire a Model 3 Performance it will be the Greatest Car of All Times. 

60k for an S4 I am speechless Smiley do not even waste time to look at other cars which are people mover with no taste in that price range

Taste is a matter of taste. I’m old. My wife is my flash.  Mostly I go for the plastic Walmart bags and then recycle them for other chores. 
Here the model3 perf is $56k. It also saves you gas, forever, and is cheaper to insure. It is arguably safer and for street use in any type of weather it is much quicker. The number of features and tech is not even close. 
Do you care to look at depreciation?  Omg.  What is a three year old S4 worth now vs a same age Model3?
I like the plain interior with just the right amount of manual controls. Note, we don’t question why the iPhone does not have buttons all over the place.  
The Audi was s a good comparison though.  Also using US prices , keep in mind our $.04 per kWh.  European prices for electricity and cars in general changes too much of the equation. We have tons of totally free charging at malls as well as not just free parking but free valet parking, free concerts and ice cream. Welcome to wide open spaces of Leawood

In my opinion I would be paying for extra old fashioned interior, a gas engine with tons of moving parts which need constant maintenance, oil, fuel. You name it. Transmissions, exhaust systems.  Except for tires and brakes every repair bill I have had for the last forty years we’re for parts the Tesla does not have.  Looking around after the purchase I would not feel the interior was worth it for long. I’m the driver looking out, not in.  Don’t care how my passenger feel about it, my job is to keep them safe. 
The list of tech features I would give up in the Audi is too long to list. Take for example sentry mode, five dash cams anytime, Dog mode, camping mode, silent slot car speed.  You really can’t compare them.  Some people will never like electric cars and I totally appreciate that.  I was out driving my turbo just for grins this morning.  Three cops followed me Smiley  , does not happen in the model3 .

Im looking forward to all the new electric cars to come along.  We will see a great deal of innovation in a very short time, which may be another reason to lease ICE cars for now.