
Here’s a question that I have not seen answered, as much of the media coverage (all the videos and Andrew Frankel’s DriveNation podcast) has been from Britain, with the exception of Brad Brownell’s extensive interview for Jalopnik.

The T.50 is resolutely a road car, per Gordon.  The McLaren Speedtail is infamously NOT road legal in the US due to side impact testing / standards.  Will the T.50 be road legal in the US?  If so, what accounts for the discrepancy vs. the Speedtail?

I anticipate that GMA will be able to sell all of the cars in ROW (i.e., non-US) markets multiple times over, so it hardly matters, but why would an American customer want to buy a road-biased car that ... cannot be used on the road (if that’s the case)?

Canepa is the US distribution / sales partner.

From my understanding the Speedtail´s registration was denied to to the lack of side airbags as well as rearview mirrors. If that is the case, the T.50 might be in the same situation unless there is a rule of exemption.