
I can only think of EVas an option for city cars.

That is primary goal. limit city centers to ''clean'' cars.

Yes, leave the dirt in the hinterlands:

  1. toxic element mining
  2. power production to produce electricity to charge
  3. toxic battery production
  4. toxic car to recycle in toxic dumps

The clean of EV is a lie.

Let’s not forget that electricity to power them is made from dirty coal central and so on...Yes, Clean EV is a joke but as others said it will be far from city centers and from the eyes of the beholder indecision


Depends on where one lives.

Here all electricity is 100% hydro generated, so can't get any cleaner than that.

The other parts of a EV however is another story. We keep hearing about used Tesla batteries can be turned into power wall batteries but Tesla have yet to make such an announcement nor have they started a program to buy back those.

EVs are still in their infancy, no one is truly recycling them yet, it's all empty talks and vapourwares about how they can be 'recycled'.  There are plenty of totalled Teslas, but the battery packs in those wrecks, if they aren't damaged, are being bought up by parts guys to be resold. So they are being 'recycled' in a different sense. Same thing with the motors. Body panels are regular metal so not that hard to recycle. But the interior is a different story. Normal cars have leather and those are organic so will easily decomposed naturally, not so with the artificial material inside Teslas. 

We just have to wait another 20-30 years to see the outcome, there are things that can't be rushed. 

