The SUV is just a red herring for most of these guys. Of course, you can always find someone that really believes that the SUV is evil but let's face it, for most of them they're just making political brownie points.

Personally, I agree that the SUV is over used today in American society and I also think that it is not a safe vehicle (for either those inside or out) and I have my suspicions about why most people buy them but does that mean that everyone using one is committing waste? Of course not.

I think you point up the problem with the "terrorist" label yourself. Of course, if you define it widely enough then everything is terrorism. But that's just silly and we both know it.

On drugs, you might recall that before "terrorism" became the word of the day, drug money was said to fee organised crime. Certainly terrorism is crime but is a crime terrorism?

Anyway, I think you'll probabl also remember that the answer most had for drugs feeding organises crime was to decriminalise it so that those engaged in it wouldn't become filthy rich. The point was that it was the criminalisation of drugs that made for drug barrons around the world. Columbia is an excellent example of this and just about every Columbia leader has pointed to the USA and the policies of the U.S. government as the source of the strength of the rebels.

So if America's anti-drug policies fed the criminals then don't they also feed the terrorists??

None of this has much to do with SUV's does it?
