danny828 said:
It's over and done, Bush wins hands down-landslide.


It is over and done for Austin's own Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian candidate for United States President. It seems he was not able to get the sort of nationwide support he needed to take the White House.

Some of you may also be interested in how the other candidates fared. Ralph Nader was able to do substantially better than Mr. Badnarik, winning over 380,000 votes nationwide, the last I checked. Unfortunately, that's less than 1% of the vote so he won't be sitting in the Oval Office either.

At 4am CST, the race between Kerry and Bush is still too close to call. Bush has the edge at the moment with 254 electoral votes to Kery's 252. Ohio is a pivitol state that is still very close. Bush presently leads in Ohio with 51% of the vote, a margin of about 150,000. The state has 20 electoral votes, more than enough to put either candidate over the 270 necessary to win. Neither candidate will win by a landslide.