
I’m not PC at all but I still don’t find it that funny but I do understand your point, of course. Then again, you may also understand that sometimes it can be insulting and it can get old. I think there are better ways to make a point. 


Perhaps it might felt insulting at times but truth hurts. It is what it is. You know me long enough here to know that I am blunt and direct.

Modern society now much prefer everything to be sugar coated and goes down easy. Sugar coated shit is still shit, might as well be a man and eat it straight up. 

You might as well heard of the world's view of American tourists. Most think they are loud and obnoxious. They tolerate them only because they have money to spend. I have to imagine you are not one of those and most of my American friends aren't, but when you traveled the merchants and others still assumed you are like those. You can thank your fellow country man for that reputation.

Stereotypes exist for a reason and often groups based on nationality and ethnicity do conform those preconceived stereotypes.  What someone here on this forum or in another country, state, or city think about others remains indifferent with me.  

Our form of government is unique in the world and the reason President Reagan spoke about, "the shining city on the hill" in a speech to describe the United States.   Sometimes, we meet that expectation and sometimes we don't.  The current president more closely upholds the values of our Founding Fathers' vision than quite a few of his predecessors. The reasons are manifold and one doesn't expect someone not a citizen to understand the differences.  Hell, quite a few citizens don't understand the differences either.