I don’t understand why someone’s positive impressions of anything would lead to insults. It’s okay if you like or don’t like the truck or anything for that matter but it is simply not cool to constantly attack people who don’t agree with your point of view. Just tell us how you feel about the truck. The telling us how you feel animosity toward those who like something you don’t care for just let’s us know what you are all about.  You otherwise know nothing about about these people so it mostly reflects poorly on you. I don’t call anyone names who does not agree with me. I let them enjoy their opinion (unless they insult me but you all know that). 
It is the unjustified attack on people for their preferences (they are not hurting anyone) which leads to group think and far worse. Let’s try and find nice things to say about people and keep criticizing just the car or design, specs whatever. Everything else is a weak attempt at logic / persuasion / polarization which never adds up to success. It does spread the confirmation bias and emboldens others to escalate the problem. Who wants that?  No wonder discussions here go south.  
maybe I should be a moderator?   Okay, you all can stop laughing. I’m done joking.