
Beautiful road to drive. We have similar roads outside of San Diego and policemen on motorcycles are stationed at the fast entry and exit points with their citation books in hand. There usually are there on sunny days especially during holidays and weekends.Smiley

What is the speed limit for the road you were on?Smiley

That happens too here , specially on another mountain road a bit further that has excellent tarmac , is much faster, and ideal for motorbikes . What you do, is you go up once and check out the situation, then you do the run again Smiley

Speed limit is 80 km/h , but as some of those corners are very tight and aligned one after the other ,  doing 80 would be already taking them to the max reasonable speed possible  . So you get the fun without the worry to loose your license .



 964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm --  991 GT3 RS