
What I wrote about Taycan vs Panamera is (of course) pure speculation and is mainly based on price of that car and customer loyalty and I think that your projections are the same in one way or another. We'll eventually find out

I don't want to sound offensive in any way and I apologize in advance, but it seems that you (some here) think, that German car makers are bullish and feel like they control the game, where in fact the opposite is the case. I've never seen so much fear about the future than in the last two or three years. It's fear about ELVs, their biz models, GAFAM, new regulations and esp the diminishing rate of innovation and disruption these huge corporations are able to achieve.  That is one reason why automakers (not only the Germans) try to copy development processes from companies like Tesla, Uber, Google. Nowadays everything they do has to be agile(tm) and one can easily image how well this works within the existing structures. It's a big mess touching the whole supply chain,  sales and after sales . As such Kudos to Porsche, but it will be a very long and rough way ... for all of them

Thanks for posting and I agree with all this.

I think this quote is rather fitting here regarding how things will play out. Just because a company has lot's of funds doesn't mean it will win in the long run, it's more about how quick you can transform and adapt to change.

"It's Not the Big That Eat the Small...It's the Fast That Eat the Slow"