I am not one for media hype however extracting millions of tons of fossil fuel that has been under the earths crust for millions of years through a natural process of extracting CO2 over a billion years changed the composition of the atmosphere to what it is today. Over the last 100 years we have been reintroducing that CO2 back by reversing that reaction. And everyday all around the world we are lighting billions of flames in this chemical event. It’s only logical that we are changing the composition of gasses in the atmosphere. Furthered by all the other polluting industries worldwide. We cannot compare man taking a few twigs and lighting a fire 200k years ago to what is being done today. That twig fire would not compare to a forest fire at that time. However today we have continuous forest fires in the form of burning of fossil fuels at a increasing rate annually. Logically this rate of chemical reactions taking place with the release of CO2 has an effect no matter what anyone thinks. You don’t need 30 degree winters in Germany to finally get convinced because it’s too late by then. I think the heat waves this summer should ring some bells even in the biggest skeptics because when you are experiencing the same summer heat as in the deserts of Dubai that should give people a wake up call. And when the trees and plants in your gardens are turning brown because they are getting burned by the sun as they are not designed to take that sort of heat one should release that something is not right.