Indeed the solar business is pretty disappointing. The economics just do not work to install panels and I would not consider installing them, they are ugly on top of dubious savings, but the tiles are different because at least they look good, they are a luxury item and as most luxury items, price is not as relevant. Where is the business going? I have no idea but California just mandated solar systems on new constructions...

This autopilot article is BS, they want to blame the system for something it is not (yet). But it sells a lot of ads, so they go for it. For example, if you use the autopilot on secondary roads you will get killed at some point. It is not ready to be used as a level 4, even on the highway. But as a level 2 (ie supervised) it works very well overall.

Tesla stock could trade $100 or $500, it is irrelevant to me as long as they can attract new cash if they need to. The lower the price, the most likely they will attract investors. The company is going nowhere, it is just too valuable, but Musk role is a different story.

About the author of this “non biased” article:

Disclosure: I am/we are short TSLA. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Disclosure about me: if you think I am biased you are wrong. I will tell you ALL the GOOD things and ALL the BAD things as an owner and daily user. I have written about panel gaps, rattles, autopilot failures, handling short comings in very hard turns, range anxiety and real range numbers (ie my 220 10-90 real range vs the EPA 295 miles). If I wanted I could have not disclosed any of it and you would not know about it. If I was convinced TSLA stock was a sure bet I would find a way to profit from it (even if I am not allowed to own it directly). But I am actually writing I would not be surprised if the stock goes much lower in the short-medium term.

The fact that you cannot comprehend that the Model X has vastly exceeded my expectations as an owner and for my daily uses, as many here has also reported, is just showing YOUR bias. To put it simply, today on the market there is not a better vehicle for my personal use. It is not for everyone, far from there, but the fact that a start up company with a crazy CEO and shaky financial grounds can produce cars that has long standing established manufacturers changing what they have been doing for decades says a lot of what they will not tell you.

Getting bashed by people here that we don’t even know what car they actually own or use just because they hate a CEO or a company is getting long in the tooth. I am just trying to give real first hand feedback on a car that shows what the future of transportation will be for the masses Smiley