I have little interest in communicating with you Whoopsy because you show extreme biased based on seemingly uninformed opinions. You have not owned a Tesla as far as I can tell, yet you made the following blanket claim. Unless you owned a Tesla for a meaningful amount of time, you would have little to no real world long-term experience with AP to know how well or poorly it works in every day use.

Autopilot, from Tesla is NOT actually autopilot, it's just a gimmick for a more advanced version of cruise control, nothing more and nothing less. But it's a shit system, who th ehell in the right mind would want such a dumb system that has more confirmed kill of the drivers than a F35 fighter jet, a war machine. 

Audi is smart to not include nay of those ballast in their etron, a EV is heavy enough. 

Since I am unknown here, perhaps SciFrog, Xander, Schmoell, WM88, or other long-term members can chime in here and give their opinion on whether your assessment of AP is accurate or not?