
Tesla discussion is going to get banned just like Politics was and for the same reason. People here can't shift from their overwhelming biases, can't understand other views or acknowledge them as even remotely reasonable. 

You want to know why so many people leave this forum? Because only Black or White is allowed, there is not middle ground allowed. And once the majority come down on either Black or White the other side is ridiculed and driven out. Grey is NEVER allowed. Has to be one pole or the other. God help you if you like the loosing team.

Sadly, but true!



Probably time for me to quit this thread and the Tesla one before it gets out of hands, and maybe even RT all together.

This place is filled with blind people to the future of automobiles hanging on to cars that will be banned in the next decade and drive safely but way beyond the speed they should on public roads. Sadly many of them are either moderators or big influencers here. The others have vested interests to defend German manufacturers or are simply anti Tesla for personal reasons or even financial ones. All currents arguments have been written, no one will convince the other side.

Saying over and over Tesla are shit cars is simply blindsided and an offense to the many members here who own one, especially when they have zero interest in an EV nor would want to own one.