
A hybrid gives the choice back to the driver.

I may have got this wrong, but were you not a proponent of the hybrid is the worst of all worlds? Added weight with a less powerful engine (in most cases). What happened ?


I think that was Scifrog or Luke that said hybrid is the worse of both world. 

And yes as Carlos have said, performance hybrids, not eco hybrids, are the ones I like and support. 

Normally performance cars are bad on gas, but with the addition of a hybrid system, that will be a moot point, it can be as eco friendly as anyone ever wanted inside the city but the performance stays, and even enhanced with the hybrid system when one opens it up.

the weight issue people always talked about is really a moot point when the car is properly tuned. Look no farther than the 918. It is a pig on paper, everyone says it’s a pig and too heavy, but in it’s era, nothing is faster. The Panamera Turbo S is also along the same line. I rode in one on track, it was doing stuff it has no business doing, not a full sized sedan with 4 adults in it. It is no 911, but there isn’t another faster more exciting sedan on track. 

Funny how reviewers always have a preconceived notion of how a car will be like after reading the spec sheets but before getting into a car. They basically imagine the shortcomings while driving until it fits the preconceived expectation.

