There is material for both sides of the fence, as usual. One will say S/X demand drop is permanent, the others will say that the market needs time to readjust to the new prices (for example I bought the X one day after the price drop and got delivery 2 days before the end of the quarter, not few can move that fast...). The truth probably lies in between and as such medium term prospects are probably intact.

Anyway I have been clamoring for the longest time Tesla made a mistake to sell the 3 before the Y. Sedans sales are collapsing in the USA (Tesla took a big chunk of that segment) and the X is an odd duckling (not everyone needs a large 7 seater vehicle). The real test for Tesla will be Y sales vs Audi and such. Porsche is irrelevant in the long run as vs Tesla they will not compete head to head for a while (the S is much larger than the Taycan, the 3 will be much cheaper, the Macan EV will cost double the price of a Y). FYI Tesla sold almost as many cars as Porsche last month in Germany angry

There are also a lot of unknowns, particularly how much the production of cars directly in China will affect the bottom line, or the solar/energy/solar roof business. And the stock is still higher than it was 2 years ago, the capacity of Tesla to raise capital is probably intact.