Don’t even know where to start. MKSGR:

Guys tesla has nothing to do with car business as we know it...they are inventing all from scratch....the others are like old dinos.....

You could also say: they are a startup failing.

Compared to other auto makers?  You have to be kidding.   I’m a car guy and I hate dealerships. I would buy a Tesla now just to avoid a dealership.   I really don’t get the haters. Head in the sand and all that. I get it but seriously. It is the best car company I see on the horizon.  Just my humble O and I could be way wrong of course but some of the negative  speculation is just hilarious.  Is everyone short?

My main reasons to visit the dealer: check out exterior colors, leather options, other details/options of the car. You can sit in the cars, walk around them. Then they offer after-sales service. 

As (expensive) cars are always an emotional decision I doubt dealerships will vanish within the next 30 years. But I am not sure if Tesla is still in existence in 3 years. They are in the process of accelerated decay it seems. Closing all dealers, reducing prices by 10% overnight... Pure despair. 

One minute order on the phone. They bring it to you for a one week 1000 mile test drive. What is it you want to do in the showroom again?  Look at the color and leather for a few minutes?  No leather. Sorry. It is just a new world.. 

It is not a new world but the end of Tesla. People who spend 100k or more on a car don't do it for logical reasons. They do it because of an emotional attachment to the object purchased. A high priced car will always be specced to customer demands... 

Also, picking up your example, you pay, do a 1000 mile test drive and want to return the piece of junk. However, you find out they can no longer repay your 100k.... No thanks.

P.S.: Based on your logic, for example, Apple should have closed its stores many years ago. Same goes for Rolex, AP etc. The simple reason why Tesla does it now is that they are facing the risk of immediate bankruptcy. They have no choice.

I don’t know where to start. Wow. So you think I can’t get my 100k back after my weeeklong test drive. It will be a piece of junk. The reality is that it is more likely that the entire sum does not change hands on day one of the test drive. Beyond that if even one customer lost 100k the bad press would eat up Tesla. Most likely big data numbers crunchers looked at their customers and their car quality and came to the well computed conclusion that this made financial sense and there was ROI.  IMHO it takes pride and confidence in your product to offer such a test drive. The exact opposite of what you think is desperate marketing. Interesting how we have totally different perspective. Maybe it would help to ask yourself if the other car makers could do without high pressure sales and offer 1000 mile test drives. Good luck. Just amusing how our perspective differs. Seems like every other car is see in my hood is a Tesla. I’m not crazy about them. Not my thing since I drive 911s and long distances. I would need a 2000 mile range to be happy.