A few days ago my daughter started a conversation with a woman she met while she was swimming. Over the next few beach visits we saw her and her husband walking their dogs and we struck up a nice connection.

As it was their last night here yesterday they invited us over for dinner and wine. They are from Sydney and have been visiting Seal Rocks for at least 30 years (so looks like we have some catching up to do smiley). For dinner we had delicious barbecued kangaroo flavored with fresh rosemary, baked sweet potatoes, and a salad that we brought along. Our conversations spanned so many different topics and flowed very easily. Also I'm not usually a dog person but the two dogs they had were awesome; one is two years old while the other is already 17. The older one was born deaf and has difficulty walking already, but he has the sweetest personality and was really a special little guy.  

This morning we saw them at the beach on their last morning walk for this trip and we invited them over to our place for breakfast before they drove back to the city. It was a great time again, they're such nice people.


If I don't fly, I drive my .:RS  blush