
Americans can take corners and have also always been expert at drag racing. It is Europeans who are the one trick pony and can’t appreciate drag racing (although 0-60 or 0-200 times still seem to be very interesting to all).  Don’t even get me started on ovals. They are not so easy  

Let me tell you this for certain. I have been to many types of live racing. Countless F1 events etc. In each case I would love to jump into the car and try it. No problem - except for drag racing. Go watch Top Fuel once in your life live and then let me know if going straight fast is something you dare to do!!  I would not want to go 0-325 mph in 4 seconds for all the money in the world.  Fucking insane. Pardon me.  

Oh boy, what did Nick start here... Smiley Smiley

Speaking of drivers in the US: I spent over a week in Florida recently and never encountered so many bad drivers in my life. Smiley Absolute idiots. Left, right, different speeds, no turning signals, cutting off other people, tailgating other people, passing them, then suddenly braking for no reason and slowing traffic down, etcetera etcetera. 

Driving like this in Germany would cause one accident after another. Smiley

No wonder there are so many cops on the roads in the US, they urgently need it to keep drivers under control. 

Yes, 99% of Americans can't take corners. I can confirm that. At least the drivers I always had to deal with in the US.

We spent the holidays at a friend's beach condo and he isn't from the US either. When we talked about driving and traffic in Florida, he said that he has a friend who is a highway patrol cop and this guy has his own theory: The problem seems to be the very young age Americans take their driver's license exam and start driving. Most of them start driving at 15 or 16 and usually, they are basically kids which aren't really "fit" for driving and acting responsibly. So they get used to driving like jerks from a young age on and continue to do so during their adulthood. This is just a stupid theory but maybe there is some truth in it. The driving exam in the US is also way too easy compared to other countries, so no surprises here either.

Please don't misunderstand me: There are some good drivers in the US, mostly those who do some professional track racing and/or who join those driving ed events on a regular basis. The regular population? A catastrophe. 

Just for comparison: The US had over 100(!)% more traffic deaths compared to Germany and we have no general speed limit. Talking about deaths per 100000 citizens and/or per 100000 motor vehicles, so it is a good comparison.


RC (Germany) - Rennteam Editor Audi R8 V10 Plus (2016), Mercedes E63 S AMG Edition 1 (2018), Range Rover Evoque Si4 Black Edition (2019)