Actually, using pictures on the internet to decide between arctic silver and GT silver is a complete excercise in futility. The pictures do show that GT silver is a slight shade darker. To say that GT silver is a duller color is incorrect. Arctic silver is brighter, unquestionably. But white is also brighter so the choice really is not a brightness question.

If you examine arctic vs GT close up, you will see a greater depth of color and complexity of color with GT silver. GT silver has larger and more prominent metal flakes. From a distance of 15 feet you will have an impossible time differentiating the two colors other than the subtle shade difference.

If you are serious about evaluating GT silver, you must see it in person, there is no substitute.

From a cost standpoint, there is no argument that Arctic is a much better value.

I personally like the depth and richness of GT silver when looking at it close up. Whether it is worth the additional cost is a question only you can answer. This is a difficult choice.