nberry said:
Whether you like or not many people will look at the 997 as being nothing more than an updated 993 a 10 year old car. AND that is precisely what it is.

If you're right with your statement (which I tried to ignore because you sound like a virgin talking about sex ), this would put Ferrari to shame. How can a 10 year old car outrun almost every current Ferrari model?
Oh forgot, Fiat. Have you ever wondered why Italians prefer Porsche over Ferrari? Do you know what a Fiat is, Nick?!

But to on a more "intellectual" level: how can you comment on a car you never saw in person and you never drove?
Honestly Nick, a while ago I thought you're just enjoying teasing Porsche owners but the more I think and analyze your posts, the more I come to the conclusion that it must be something pathological from a medical point of view.

The 993 and 997 don't have anything in common, the body looks completely different (talking about seing the 997 live) and the only thing both cars might have in common is the flat-six design engine (not the engine itself) and the rear wheel drive. Maybe the sound too.
Your comments are ridiculous because they're founded on your weird personal understanding that a car has always to have a completely new spectacular design.
But the success of the 911 is based on continuity, this is the last of a few of "classic" cars which made it to the 21st century. And furthermore, the 911 is a car which has been somehow socially "accepted", especially over here in Germany and Europe, something very important to people who don't live in Beverly Hills and who have to be cautious not to show off too much to avoid provoking customers and other people. Not to speak about the great daily driver capabilities due to reliability and driveability.

You've made your point, you're looking for looks and not performance, we already understood that. You don't have to repeat the same thing again and again just using different words and commentaries.
You don't like the 911? So what? I'm not sure I like you and do you see me bragging and talking about you all day long, day after day, week after week? Get a life, Nick. You have a serious problem and we won't accept this provoking behaviour anymore.

You had your first and second warning shots, the third one won't miss. Promise.