

Tesla divides people in a way not manufacturer has. You hate it or you love it, you believe or you don’t. At the end of the day, if there are enough people in the first camp, Tesla will stay a major player for quite some time. Again, they are at the top of sales volume in their respective segment...

That argument only stands while Tesla is the only EV option out there, it will fall apart as soon as better EV cars come out.

Outside the EV part, Tesla has nothing special, quite the contrary, they are amateurs at making cars and that shows in many ways.

As soon as there are other EV options like from the germans with much deeper R&D pockets, infrastructure, and know-how, Tesla no longer has the EV exclusivity, and that is when it will fall apart, they can barely stay afloat now and have never even made a profit, imagine then...

Bottom line is that their future can only be worse than what it is now. There is nothing good to look forward to in the future for them, its only going to get harder and harder and given how they are barely getting by while having had the EV market solely to themselves then...


⇒ Carlos - Porsche 991 Carrera GTS