
Nick, you can’t be serious. Just about every trade expert, every automobile manufacturer and economists state unequivocally that tariffs especially on the auto sector will will be economic suicide. Trump is gambling that the EU and Japan cave. I have no idea if they will. This much I know, when this entire matter is settled the US will be poorer.

Also, I’m not sure if you’re aware that there is one group which backs the tariffs. The group you despise with a passion;


Though I can afford the additional $45,000 I would never pay it. Though I love cars, I am sensible about them. They are only one of my interests and not my top priority. My consternation about the RS is related to Porsche having me on a YO YO string and I don’t like that. I have lived my life controlling and not being controlled. My .2 GT3 is a fabulous car and I may just keep it. Mike, I’m under no obligation to turn it in.


Which is exactly what I wrote earlier. With the tariffs Trump just out flanked the Democrats. Mid terms is coming up.........

And you are not the one pissed at delays. Porsche delayed my GT2RS production by 5 months and I am still pissed.
