
With respect I made a point about tariffs which had nothing not to do with Trump or politics. It was a logical point about economics and trade. This was after you spoke at some length about politics. Then you school me about my topic and go right back to politics yourself. I don’t get the rules. We can’t even discuss economics now but you can circle back to politics whenever you need to get something off your chest?  I think you see the problem our little book burning mentality can cause?  Back to topic. I did not make this an IM, sorry.  

My bad, I apologize for the confusion. We should discuss economics in a separate thread in the Off-Topic forum. Oh wait, we tried and we fell back to politics. Smiley Best thing is: We don't discuss it at all since not everyone seems to be able to keep it civilized (not you...others).
Back to cars...

my fault as well, i just could not resist. tried to stay away from becoming emotional however:::)))