If I recall correctly, we did have quite some discussion about the credibility of this particular image when it first came up. I don't recall the outcome anymore.

However, I did some quick and dirty photoshop (decreased contrast and increased brightness).

The following is quite evident:

  • the model designation "911 Carrera 4S" is fake.
    The level of detail of the source image is much higher (pixel size, level of noise) than the actual image of the car, the outlines are clearly artificial
  • the license plate is fake
    It is misaligned, and again the level of detail is higher. The transition between the actual image and the source of the number plate can be clearly seen on the RH side of the plate.

My guess; the model description is added to give it more credibility as being "real", the number plate is added to either hide the real plate or for the same reason as the model designation.

In the beginning I had my doubts about the weird interruption of the reflection of the overhead lighting on the right rear light cluster of the car, but it is in line with a break in the reflection in exactly the same spot on the left rear light cluster. My conclusion is that the image is real, the rear lights are real, the general shape of the rear bumper is real, but the model designation and license plate were photoshopped for whatever reason.

(Sorry for my crappy representation, I don't know how to draw circles and arrows in photoshop (frown) so I copy/pasted it to powerpoint and then added those objects, then made a screenshot again... I know, I'm an amateur... 



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