fritz said:
Dock (Atlanta) said:
Thanks for the clarification. Does the timing you described also occur when a manufacturer rents the track (if renting the track is possible)?

I think you are assuming that the timing is done "centrally" and "officially" by the track's operators. This is not the case, and each party wanting to do timed laps has to provide, set up and operate its own timing equipment (assuming it is more comprehensive than a driver-actuated stopwatch).

Obviously, this leaves a lot of leeway for interested parties to "optimize" the results.

This is why sport auto's Supertest lap times are looked upon as the best available neutral benchmark, since they are achieved by the same competent driver under as nearly-equal conditions as weather and track conditions at the time of the test allow.

The very fact that Horst von Saurma is likely to do a Supertest of all the likely "candidates" should have the effect of keeping the "interested parties" honest. A lot of people on here are looking forward to him finally driving the Euro spec GTR at the Ring next year.

Also, I once read here that, when performing the Supertest, SA has the results validated by a third independant party ?