fritz said:
nberry said:
Fritz, need I remind you that Newton was proven wrong by some German with a funny hairdo? Sometime those who think they are in the light are often in the dark.

Nick, I am sure that with your grasp of physics you will be able explain to us in clear and simple terms what Isaac Newton got wrong which, with the benefit of a couple of hundred years of additional scientific advancement, Albert Einstein was able to get right?

This should be fun.

nberry said:
Carlos, does HvS know how to drive a front engine car? Has he had any fast times with one?

It doesn't often happen, but words fail me!

Since your an engineer and I am not I am surprised you are not aware that Einsteins Special theory of relativity replaced Newton's law regarding kinetics. Also, Einstein law of general relativity pretty much emasculated Newton's theory of gravity.

FWIW, in 1919 two British expeditions were commissioned to go to to Brazil to make observations during an eclipse in order to determine whether Einstein's non Euclidean theory of space was right or Newton's. The result were indisputable. Einstein was right and Newton wrong. I believe the London Times ran headlines basically stating that Newton ideas were overthrown.

If course you know all of this and were testing me.