
I am on the same page. Despite track record in buying new Porsche including 991.1 GT3 RS and track records all together (tracking Porsches in FIA races) I got denied a R, a 991.2 GT2 RS and 991.2 GT3 RS.

I can't wait to see the back fire happening on Porsche if both things happen in same timing:

- Trump close borders for Porsche (affecting 40% of Porsche turnover)

??? The US could raise import taxes on cars (by 25% or so...) but thats it. Porsche would still be able to sell cars in the US, just at higher prices...or they just bump up EU prices and keep US prices the same. Smiley


It seems likely Porsche would reallocate cars to other (more attractive) markets. Import duties mostly destroy the wealth of the US citizens. But it will take time until the simpler voters will understand Smiley

Your anti-Trump stand may have blinded you for the fact that Trump actually proposed that all trade tariffs go but the German media, similar to the US one, probably "forgot" to mention Trump's proposal at the G7 meet. Smiley

There will be an agreement soon, just wait and see. I know this games from my previous job, the economic attache was the biggest bargainer there is in the embassy and everything is about who has the bigger balls. In this case, I think Trump has. Smiley

Willing to place a little bet? If there will be a bargain soon you get a large bottle of highest-quality coke from me, the one you like best (Smiley) - if not you owe me a nice bottle of red wine Smiley Hehehe Smiley