

My dealers whether Porsche or Landrover treat me like I am their only customer. From sales to service, they go out of their way to satisfy my requests.Smiley

Yes, like with the problems with your GT3.2Smiley

Watt, my car was driveable. Had I insisted they replace the oil tank immediately they would have. The dealer was in a bind and I accommodated him. That’s why I get the cars everyone wants at MSRP.

Regarding the tariffs, if Europeans believe that the US market for European cars is insignificant watch how the EU cave on the issue. I am against what a Trump is doing but I have a question for Europeans. If US cars are so inferior why are your countries assessing tariffs against them? The US doesn’t place tariffs on European cars entering the US so explain to me why the EU does it.crying

trade is more complicated than that. it does not make sense to say: you have tariffs on our good A, so we put the same tariffs on the same good. i just read an article in the economist (latest issue i guess), which explains very well the overall trade situation and concludes that trump did not do his homework. i do not completely agree with that, most likely he has people who understand basic economics but he does all it takes to please his voters. 

and back to cars: yes american cars are inferior, possibly less now than 15 years ago but still inferior. i guess we all know that. btw, the reason why the US car industry has been catching up is globalization::::))) without that the americans would still be driving those pieces of junk they used to drive 20 years ago.

also i believe that the US market is important for porsche and the other german carmakers but they could digest a shrinking there, which could be balanced by more aggressive pricing elsewhere (asia).