
All Ferrari has CarPlay optional...


I think only the Lusso and California has CarPlay, the 488 and the F12 doesn't as they don't have a big touch screen.


You can get CarPlay on both f12/TDF and 488


Ah, good to know!

Whoopsy is right, at least until last March. When I configured my TDF, carplay wasn't available. Nor should it be as you can't touch the screen. For the California and FF it is indeed different. F12 is same as 488 and Laferrari and quite possibly the worst infotainment system on sale right now in the car industry. Slow, bugs and poor quality.

I must admit that after a while, the 675LT system is not great either, smart but too complicated and very slow. I like the PCM in my Porsches, also the system in the M3 CRT is excellent.

For real drivers those toys matters because we spend a lot of time on the road and not always gunning it.