JimFlat6 said:
Adias, The Nissan GT is actually a 70K version of their 30K new Skyline. I dont know how many regular Skylines they sell, but I bet their sales will be substantial.

I dont want a go fast Nissan Skyline because at the end of the day its just a hyper fast ultra techy Nissan Skyline. I dont buy chicken from KFC either. Id rather personally contribute to the cars dynamic ability then let a billion lines of code do it for me.

Isnt the GT-R just a new fakey kind of sports car? Its seems like a wierd half car half robot that does everything for you. No fun at that. I dont want it.

I agree. I'd rather drive my car than have my car drive me. 0-60 is 4.1 without launch control, and 3.3 with it on. The car is much slower around a track without all of the driver aids. So what is so special about this car, surely not the mechanics. They certainly have some good software engineers though. I guess 'true car guys' are big fans of computer aided driving assistance that makes them look like pro's all of a sudden. Kind of takes the fun out of it all IMO