
Thanks for the report Lars . It fits exactly what I have always thought about that car . It looks good, it sounds good , it has good space , it handles well off road ...... but that' s it ! All the rest is ancient indecision

In Europe that car is only good for down town shopping, or being photographed in it   smiley

It looks like it is a good idea to wait for the next real generation for you ..... or get it aside a an efficient family  Autobahn driver .

Thanks Mate!

Yep - that's it. But you know how it is. More cars, more toys you really don't have time to enjoy. So the family car is crucial to enjoy as it is the car you are driving on your off days most often. I'm happy to make sacrifices but everything has its limits. From the point of passion it might be a Range Rover or Range Rover Sport or a Mercedes GLS. Those cars are rare and exotic enough to give me some pleasure. Forget about X5 / GLE or Cayenne. Those cars are just way to often on the streets of Stuttgart and also ahead of being modified soon. Let's wait and see Smiley