We have been test driving a G500 yesterday as we are looking for a family car and a replacement for the SRT.

Unfortunately the dealer car had the old G500 combustion engine and not the new Bi-Turbo. Anyway - the engine sound was due to the sport package amazing. The performance was good if the car is rev'ed. Look wise is nothing to add - the car is a beauty, no doubt. Color combo would have been exactly what we would prefer.

To the ride - the car has two modes, eco and sport. In eco it is ridiculously slow, zero throttle response as long you don't kick down. In Sport mode it is ok, but it is still not an racer. The suspension is ok and the steering response a bit spongy. When going above 130 km/h you are getting scared, to many wind noises and the tires and steering response is just like driving a boat on the sea. When driving on country roads  the car is very relaxing and fun. Autobahn would mean staying on the right lane and cruising with 130 instead of flowing with the others around 180, it is just to tiring.

I never thought there is a car with a higher consumption than that SRT of us. But that G500 is thirsty like a drunken sailor. I not really care about if I put 100 € of petrol/month more into it or not as it just doesnt make a huge difference on overall costs. But it is kind of uncomfortable to stand every single week at the petrol station, it is just annoying. Already on that SRT I hate that everytime I drive with it I have to first go and fill it up. That 94 Liter tank is not giving you more than 480 km range (if you drive moderate). On the G500 the 96 Liters will probably not even giving you 350km of range.

It must be added that the 2016 G500 car is coming with a completely different suspension set up and even offers adjustable dumpers. They also claim that the new car has a much better steering response.

Overall - hate love. The look is amazing, the space and interior is excellent for family use. The power was ok, but still sitting back in to my SRT I felt like sitting into a race car. The SRT is handling like a go cart and also has insane power compared to the G. Anyhow - some way I have to RC words, this car is very cool and it would please me, especially if the modifications to the 2016 are like they are saying. The thing I'm not sure is, is this a family car you can enjoy on longer distances? If we would use it only for short rides and sometimes a bit longer I would have instantly ordered it. But as we are going many times 500km or more as well as almost every weekend 300km I see some doubts. 

 We will have a look into the Range Rover and make our decision in summer. Keep you posted!

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