Grant said:
fritz said:
Grant said:Did he confirm the V8? I'd love to know if they plan a Coupe version too. I always prefer a Coupe over a Roadster, but I know they've been slow sellers...

Yes, but that's because they built it ugly, not because they built it as a coupe per se!

I agree about the E36 version, but the current one is no uglier than the Roadster imho...

It's funny you should say that. I've spent some years averting my eyes now whenever a BMW Z Model came within view. I don't have a big appetite anyway, so don't need any artificial aids to put me off my food - I might become anorexic or something. (I might need to learn to spell it correctly first, though ).

Anyway, I actually consciously LOOKED at a current-model Z-coupe today, and I didn't have to throw up .

Why didn't someone tell me that Chris Bangle has been stripped of his Lederhosen and banished from Bavaria?