
Sorry, you had to let it go but certainly the right call. In the future, you might be better off having the car inspected prior to making any offer. An inspection will not only give a piece of mind whether to make an offer but provide you with ammunition to negotiate a good price. All these oldies have issues and pointing them out during negotiations will help you get a good price.


My offer was subject to a satisfactory inspection anyway.

It was below market price in the first place, and I had negotiated it down even further. I guess this is the reason why the price is so easily moved downwards.

My rough guess is that it would need around 35k-40k or so to refinish the car properly. That would put it around market or slightly market price. The math still works but I just don't want to spent the time to do it because it is not a black car. Plus I am not pleased about the non-disclosure. 

I am not in a hurry to spent money, they are the one that wants to sell a car. 
