RC said:
carlos fromspain said:
Welcome to the Club. We go every year to Orlando...since we're married (almost 11 years), we didn't miss one year.
My wife loves Disneyworld, Sea World, all that stuff...we always enjoy our stay there. Afterwards we usually go for a week or 10 days to the beach in Fort Lauderdale.

Kids? Perfect. We went to Orlando when our girl was 6 months old. We went there when our girl was 17 months old. And we went there... To make it short: our little girl is 3 years and 8 months old and she already has 4(!) US entry stamps in her ID.

But of course I have to "warn" you: it won't be the same as without kids, so maybe you want to go there one more last time to enjoy yourself with your wife.

That was exactly our intention, we go every two years and they way we visit there, with small kids is out of the question until maybe they are 8 yoa.

RC said:
carlos fromspain said:
This year, my girl really enjoyed her stay in Disneyworld, we even took her to the Pirates, Medievial Times and La Nuba (Cirque de Soleil) shows. People "warned" us that she's too little but can you believe it, she's only 3 years old but she enjoyed it so much. She danced, she asked so many questions about what she saw, it was unbelievable. Even now she sometimes remembers and talks about the last US holiday, she calls the US "Mickey's land" and she nags us almost every day to go back. She's a bright kid (she started to walk at 10 months and said her first words at this age too, at 18 months she knew the whole alphabet and was able to read all letters and numbers up to 10 and since she is 2, she can write(!) her name, she can read short words like Mama, Dada, Opa, Oma, etc. and now at 3 she can write(!) all letters from the Alphabet incl. short words, she can say the alphabet in german and english and...now I stop before people think I'm just a dumb proud father... ).

Nothing wrong with being proud of that though kids may develop at different speeds, she may be a gifted child. If by 8 years of age you notice she may be different than children her age I suggest a psychologist to confirm this because gifted children need "special" care and special needs. Many people don't know this but its kind of like a handicap that may give the child problems but if addressed corectly she will develop her full potential and it become an asset. Its a very interesting subject.