Hi folks,

I was at the track (Braga circuit) yesterday with my GSX-R1000. It was a hot day and went lap after lap without stopping at all, only to put gas and back in again, I had a GREAT rythm, I had street tires but was doing very well inspite it and was very satisfied, but at the end of the morning my tires just gave up on me, they were street tires so they just got cooked! I should have stopped every 10 laps to allow the tyres to cool down like I ussually do but... Mid corner on a long left hander I was fully leaned with maintenance throttle waiting to open it up, but all of a sudden with all the inputs constant in the middle of the corner, the tires just gave out and the bike went under me, I didn't have a chance. I rolled but hit my hand pretty hard against the asfalt. Result: I'm sitting with here typing with my left hand and with a cast up to my elbow in my right: fractured scaphoid

But thats not the end of the story, when I fell, I was so pissed that I picked up the bike myself with the bad wrist and drove into boxes to get a crew put in the gear level footpeg because it was broken, the rest of the damage was just scratches. So got a screw for a footpeg in gearlevel to be able to shift and went back out again! The pain was geting worse until it was really hard to drive so I stopped to put some ice to decrease the swelling. I checked the tires and the rear was in bad shape and looks like overinflated with the temp it reached (I had decreased the pressures for the track but still).

In the mean while only one of the three ambulences available was left, the other two had to take some pilots to the hopital due to other accidents, last week they had to end the track day because they ran out of ambulances from the accidents

After iceing it and grabbing something to eat, things were not getting better, wrist range of motion was fairly impaired and very painful but guess what? I'm going back out again! screw it! ... so I went out in the afternoon but lap after lap forcing the wrist but worsened and just got to a point were I could not use the front brake and changing direction was unbeareble so I had to retire. The worst part is that I had to drive the bike back 60mph back home still. By then I knew it was no bad wrist sprain and what I was fearing might be true, the scaphoid must of broken and had been beating on it all day long. Got x-rays done and sure enough, 1 month and a half in a cast now

Here is a small sized only 500Kb clip at the track in the afternoon, when I should of been smart and gone to the hospital sooner:


So I won't be posting much due to the difficulty I assume, but I will be lurking